Our Boston Massacre
Martin Richard will live on as a symbol of freedom.
The New Pheidippides by Edward Mulholland
A few days ago, I stumbled upon this beautiful poem by Edward Mulholland in the National Catholic Register and thought it was worth posting. The New Pheidippides National Catholic Register | Tuesday, April 16, 2013 | Martin Richard bleeds like Boston Blood red...
Presidential Powers Misunderstood
Too many forget prez does not make laws.
Columbus Day Worth Marking
Christopher Columbus: Historical Hero or Villain?
Jihad Threat Real: Latest ex hails from Hub ‘burbs
America is not at war with Islam. But, make no mistake about it, large segments of Islam are at war with America.
Krugman 9/11 Rant Shameful
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman chooses 9/11 anniversary to express embarrassment of our country.
9/11 Wisdom: Teach Your Children Well
What do our kids need to know about 9/11?
The National Debt: Excerpts from Around the Web
Excerpts from around the web on the budget deficit, the spiraling national debt, and the recent debt-ceiling compromise.
Lessons on the National Debt
Many school children understand the national debt better than some politicians.
Debt Yet To Be Reognized As Monster It Is
If he wants to reduce the national debt, Obama needs to get serious about entitlement reform.
Lasting Lessons of Independence
Americans must re-read our founding documents.
Happy Birthday, America!
Patriotic video clips on America and the Declaration of Independence.
Greatest Story Untold: No excuse for Bay State to snub history
Massachusetts public schools ignore our revolutionary history.
Presidents Day Watered Down: Not all deserving of the honor
Washington and Lincoln stand out above all others.
read more: Boston Herald
Civic Literacy’s a Must
If we want an educated electorate, schools must do more to teach American history and government.
read more: Boston Herald
“What binds us together as Americans is our common past and our common purpose. While it is fine to celebrate our diversity, we must always remember that we are Americans first. If we begin to see ourselves primarily as members of distinct racial and ethnic groups, or as global citizens without any national identity at all, then the American experiment has failed.”