by Jennifer C. Braceras | Jun 25, 2020 | Education
Independent Women’s Forum | Culture | June 25, 2020 Data suggest schools should reopen fully this fall. A growing body of evidence indicates that school closures place children and teens at considerable risk for a wide array of physical, emotional, and social...
by Jennifer C. Braceras & Nicole Neily | May 4, 2020 | Education, Race & Gender
The Washington Examiner | Opinion | May 4, 2020 It is not often that conservative and libertarian groups want the federal government to regulate more. But in higher education today, the rot is so deep that more federal regulations are necessary as a corrective...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Apr 28, 2020 | Education, Law, National
The Hill | Opinion | April 28, 2020 The novel coronavirus has forced a generation of college students to put life on hold. And while these students and their parents may have made peace with online learning for the remainder of the semester, many are unprepared to...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Apr 14, 2020 | Education, Politics, Race & Gender
The Washington Examiner | October 18, 2018 You have to understand the climate at Harvard at the time. Whoever advised Senator Warren that releasing her DNA results would put to rest the controversy over her claimed Native American ancestry should be fired. Rather than...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Jan 2, 2020 | Education, Law, Politics, Race & Gender
The Boston Globe | Op-Ed | January 2, 2020 A survey suggests that attempts to address sexual assault on campus, although well intentioned, have done so at the expense of fairness, and, in many cases, the truth. Last summer, Yale University settled a lawsuit by...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Aug 8, 2018 | Education
The Boston Globe | Op-ed | August 3, 2018 In June, one of the dozens of labor unions at the University of Massachusetts launched a vicious and unfair smear campaign against university president Martin T. Meehan. In online ads, the UMass Lowell adjunct faculty union,...