by Jennifer C. Braceras | Apr 29, 2019 | America, Politics
The Washington Examiner | Opinion | April 29, 2019 I used to think of former Vice President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s best hope to beat President Trump in 2020. As the son of a used car salesman, the Scranton, Pa., native has an avuncular style that appeals...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Mar 26, 2019 | America, National, Politics
The Boston Globe | Op-Ed | March 26, 2019 The Mueller investigation is over. According to a summary of Mueller’s report from Attorney General William Barr, we now know that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign did not conspire with Russia to influence the 2016...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Mar 11, 2019 | America, National, Politics
The Boston Globe | Op-Ed | March 11, 2019 Representative Ayanna Pressley thinks your 16-year-old should be able to vote. Let that sink in a minute. She wants to let your monosyllabic, barely-driving child and her friends help determine the next president of the United...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Sep 13, 2018 | America, Politics, Race & Gender
The Hill | Op-ed | September 13, 2018 The story of Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley’s “upset” primary victory over 10-term Congressman Mike Capuano is a compelling one: young, progressive woman trounces Democratic establishment icon. The district wanted “change.”...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Sep 24, 2017 | America
The Wall Street Journal | September 24, 2017 The collective impulse to tear down statues and rename buildings to meet modern sensibilities is growing stronger by the day. Earlier this month a statue of Christopher Columbus in New York’s Central Park was...
by Jennifer C. Braceras | Apr 18, 2016 | America, Education
New Boston Post | April 18, 2016 Today, Massachusetts celebrates Patriots’ Day. In towns across the commonwealth, crowds will gather for parades of marching bands, scout troops and public officials. In Lexington and Concord, Redcoats and Minutemen will reenact the...