Presidents Day Watered Down: Not all deserving of the honor
Washington and Lincoln stand out above all others.
read more: Boston Herald
Face of Evil Becomes Radical Chic
Race to Nowhere’s Foolhardy Message
A critique of the documentary “Race to Nowhere,” and a defense of merit based standards. read more: Boston Herald
Once Upon A Time, Moms Were Just Moms
Commentary on Amy Chua’s “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.”
read more: Boston Herald
Food: The New Battle Ground in the Culture Wars?
When it comes to food, personal responsibility is the key.
read more: Boston Herald
Who Needs Marriage? Kids Do
Today, forty-one percent of American babies are born out of wedlock.
read more: Boston Herald
Civic Literacy’s a Must
If we want an educated electorate, schools must do more to teach American history and government.
read more: Boston Herald
Sisterhood Closed; Republican Women Need Not Apply
Boston Herald | Op-Ed | October 20, 2010 From high upon her perch at The New York Times, the acerbic Maureen Dowd has looked down upon the current crop of female Republican candidates and dubbed them “mean girls.” Interesting choice of words from a columnist...
`Glee’ To Be Glared At: Culture Wars and Kids
In a world without limits, where do we draw the line?
read more: Boston Herald Article
An Elementary Truth: Not All Students Above-Average
Lake Wobegon — Massachusetts style.
read more: Boston Herald
`Real Housewife’ Bellies Up to the Trough
read more: Boston Herald Article [password]I have a friend – let’s call her “Christine” – who was laid-off recently from her job as CFO of a small company in metro-west. Christine, a mother of three, is what I would call comfortably middle class – a CPA from a top...
Unequal Treatment
The Da Vinci Code vs. The Passion of the Christ
Oh Mom, Poor Mom! Review of Ann Crittenden’s “The Price of Motherhood.”
Originally published in The Women's Quarterly, Summer 2001 A front-page article in the New York Times recently bore this headline: “Women Are Close to Being Majority of Law Students.” Yet, instead of focusing on the good news that women made up 49.4 percent of...
Gore’s Dubious School Record
Despite attempts by Democrats to paint George W. Bush as a “village idiot”, Bush’s academic record trumps that of Al Gore.
“Miley Cyrus is emblematic of her generation: a generation of narcissists, showered from birth with praise and adulation, emotionally coddled and raised to believe that self-expression and self-fulfillment are the noblest social goods; a generation that confuses disapproval of their choices with discrimination and intolerance. The Miley generation regards ‘judgmentalism’ as the gravest of sins. Yet, ironically, they are the very first to condemn as ‘haters’ those who dare to express unfashionable opinions.”