Holder a Hypocrite on Immigration
Boston Herald | Thursday, July 17, 2014 | Op-Ed Eric Holder practically weeps for the unaccompanied Latin American children who, for the past two years, have streamed across our unprotected southern border. "How we treat those in need, particularly young people...
Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign Threatens Economy
The Boston Herald | Op-ed | May 20, 2014 The divestment movement is coming to a town near you. No, we're not talking about apartheid. Or Big Tobacco. Those divestment movements are so, you know, pre-millenial. Today's activists are focused not on international human...
Malone Quits GOP; Voters Yawn
Remember Joe Malone?
In Defense of Gridlock
Founders saw gridlock as democratic balance
Dems’ Blame Game Misses Mark
Guns don’t cause violence, people do
Warren/Cruz share Harvard/Texas state of mind
Warren/Cruz share similar roots, similar style.
So Long, New York Pervs!
Weiner, Spitzer had it coming
Dear Huma: Take the baby and RUN!
Run, don’t walk, from Anthony Weiner, street flasher
From Benghazi to Boston: poltical correctness hampers efforts to combat terrorism
Benghazi is not just a failure of leadership; it’s a failure of perspective.
Ted Cruz not “Hispanic” to PC Left
There they go again . . .PC Left can’t accept conservative minorities.
Gomez vs. Markey: Latino Republicans need not apply
Will Gomez join Rubio and Cruz in Washington? Not if the Dems can help it.
Abolish Town Meeting!
New Englanders living in the past
Never Mind the Gap: Dems spin wage-gap for own gain
Wage-gap myths trotted out by Dems
Presidential Powers Misunderstood
Too many forget prez does not make laws.
Decentralized Party-building
Does the GOP’s path to victory veer right or left?
“Advocates for ‘change’ are, inevitably, frustrated with our deliberately inefficient government. And so when they do not get their way, they complain that the system is ‘broken.’ But it is not. This is how it is supposed to work. Gridlock prevents the majority from running roughshod over the minority. Gridlock ensures that dissenting voices are heard. Gridlock forces compromise — often painful compromise, but compromise nonetheless”