High Expectations Mitt’s Handicap
Romney might as well have a kick-me sign on his back: Frontrunner can’t catch a break.
Eat the Rich? Mitt’s Money a Non-issue
Romney’s $10,000 bet
‘Tis the Season to Cut Down P.C.
It’s a Christmas Tree, not a “Holiday Shrub.”
Warren Walks in Coakley’s Failed Footsteps
Liz Warren = Martha Coakley Redux
Romney Right Enough
To beat Obama in 2012, conservatives must not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Fright Night: Only Dems Need Fear Rubio
Democrats launch preemptive strike against Marco Rubio.
Malcontents Occupy Liz’s Heart
In the Massachusetts Senate race, as in the presidential contest, battle lines have been drawn.
Mitt Romney Can’t Win on Ability Alone
Romney can’t win on ability alone: needs to show us “that vision thing.”
Nice Ring to Romney-Rubio Ticket: Hear it Chiming, “Adios, Obama!”
A Romney-Rubio Ticket would mean “Adios, Obama!”
Civil Rights Wronged on Campus: Politically Correct Discipline Codes Deny Students Basic Rights
On college campuses across the country, politically correct discipline codes muzzle freedom of expression and deny students basic due process.
Newsweek’s Bias Uncovered
Newsweek proves, once again, that the only thing more threatening to a left-wing ideologue than a conservative politician is a conservative politician wearing lipstick.
The National Debt: Excerpts from Around the Web
Excerpts from around the web on the budget deficit, the spiraling national debt, and the recent debt-ceiling compromise.
Warren a Long-shot for Senate
Too many hurdles for ex-Obama advisor Liz Warren.
Lessons on the National Debt
Many school children understand the national debt better than some politicians.
Debt Yet To Be Reognized As Monster It Is
If he wants to reduce the national debt, Obama needs to get serious about entitlement reform.
“Advocates for ‘change’ are, inevitably, frustrated with our deliberately inefficient government. And so when they do not get their way, they complain that the system is ‘broken.’ But it is not. This is how it is supposed to work. Gridlock prevents the majority from running roughshod over the minority. Gridlock ensures that dissenting voices are heard. Gridlock forces compromise — often painful compromise, but compromise nonetheless”